I'm exited to announce our first contest Verdict,you probably read New Moon so you must know that Im talking about chapter 21.
1. First of all you have to read Verdict (chapter-21) then you have to imagine you are Stephanie Meyer.
2. Now that you are on stephanie Meyer's shoes you just have to Re-write Verdict just change as much as you can.
3. This is really important REMEMBER Stephanie wrote the book thinking she was Bella so you have to do the same.
4. You can mail your work as a Word document, PowerPoint document, or just a e-mail what is best for you send it to me to or go to contact us and write it there.
5. You have until March 11 to mail me your work cause Im going to announce the winner on April 1st
The winner will have the opportunity to be a moderator of this blog that means you'll be like an owner for an entire year..... you can meet people, write and publish post and of curse have the thanks of all the people who visit us!!!